After deep cleaning and your paint corrected, it's really important to add protection to it so that he'll stay clean for a longer period of time. Choose your favorite between , wax, sealant, ceramic coating and don't forget tire, plastic, fabric and leather inside your vehicle. D-Tail Lab have you covered by offering a wide variety of protective solution so that your vehicule stay clean and protected.


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27 products

Mr. RUBBERT McTIRE Ultimate Tire DressingMr. RUBBERT McTIRE Ultimate Tire Dressing
PRODIGY - Hybrid SiO2 Wet Coat SealantPRODIGY - Hybrid SiO2 Wet Coat Sealant
NEGATIV-O Waterless Wash Detailing SprayNEGATIV-O Waterless Wash Detailing Spray
DWAX Hydrophobic Liquid WaxDWAX Hydrophobic Liquid Wax
Sale priceFrom $14.95 CAD
GLAM Quick Wax DetailerGLAM Quick Wax Detailer
Sale priceFrom $16.95 CAD
GENESIS Premium Leather ConditionerGENESIS Premium Leather Conditioner
QUICX Ceramic Detailing Spray Sealant with SiO2QUICX Ceramic Detailing Spray Sealant with SiO2
Foam Hex Tire & Trim ApplicatorFoam Hex Tire & Trim Applicator
Sale price$4.95 CAD
REVEAL Pre-Coat Surface Prep CleanerREVEAL Pre-Coat Surface Prep Cleaner
PHOENIX Multi-Purpose Dressing AgentPHOENIX Multi-Purpose Dressing Agent
Sale priceFrom $18.95 CAD
CERAMI-X INVICTA Advanced Ceramic Coating for PaintCERAMI-X INVICTA
DRESS 2 IMPRESS Multi-Purpose DressingDRESS 2 IMPRESS Multi-Purpose Dressing
Sale priceFrom $18.95 CAD
VICE Wash & Coat Ceramic ShampooVICE Wash & Coat Ceramic Shampoo
Sale priceFrom $29.95 CAD
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AUTOGRAPH Advanced Graphene Ceramic Spray CoatingAUTOGRAPH Advanced Graphene Ceramic Spray Coating
Micro-Suede Swatch For Ceramic Coating Application (100-pcs)Micro-Suede Swatch For Ceramic Coating Application (100-pcs)
Multi-purposes Microfiber Block Applicator (4-color-pack)Multi-purposes Microfiber Block Applicator (4-color-pack)
CERAMI-X SPECTA Ceramic Coating for GlassCERAMI-X SPECTA Ceramic Coating
FABRIX Fabric & Textile SealantTextile Sealant
Sale priceFrom $19.95 CAD
PRODIGY - Hybrid SiO2 Wet Coat SealantPRODIGY - Hybrid SiO2 Wet Coat Concentrate- 1L
CERAMI-X META Ceramic Coating for Plastic & Rubber TrimsCERAMI-X META Ceramic Coating for Plastic
CERAMI-X NAVA Marine-Grade Ceramic CoatingCERAMI-X NAVA Grade Ceramic Coating
CERAMI-X STROMA Ceramic Coating for Leather & SyntheticsCERAMI-X STROMA Ceramic Coating for Leather
CERAMI-X FORZA Ceramic Coating for Wheels & CalipersCERAMI-X FORZA Ceramic Coating
CERAMI-X KRYPTO High-Solid Ceramic Coating for PaintCERAMI-X KRYPTO High-Solid Ceramic Coating