بخاخ سيراميك D-TAIL LAB QUICX

السعر بعد الخصم$19.95 CAD

بخاخ QUICX Ceramic Waterless Detail Spray هو الحل المثالي والسريع للتنظيف وتحسين اللمعان وإضافة الحماية لسيارتك أثناء التنقل. بفضل تركيبته المتقدمة بتقنية البوليمر الهجين ، فإنه ينظف أي سطح دون استخدام الماء عن طريق تغليف جزيئات الأوساخ ورفعها بعيدًا.


رش على السطح ، ثم امسح الأوساخ من اليسار إلى اليمين بمنشفة من الألياف الدقيقة. اقلب الجوانب أو استخدم منشفة ثانية وصقلها بحركة دائرية للحصول على لمسة نهائية مثالية. استخدمه على المركبات قليلة الاتساخ كغسيل للصيانة فقط.


Size: 500 ml
وحدة إدارة المخزون: DQUX500

We at


use cutting-edge technology and research to develop the best car care products possible. Our team of experts tirelessly creates unique formulas designed to clean, restore and protect surfaces from harsh environmental factors, such as UV rays, dirt, and pollutants. This allows your vehicle to stay looking great for longer while also making it easier to clean.

Our nano-ceramic protection products are easy to apply and provide a durable and long-lasting shield against everyday wear and tear. They are also completely safe for use on all types of surfaces, meaning you can rest easy knowing that your prized possessions are protected without the risk of any damage or discoloration.

Whether you are a car enthusiast looking for the best possible protection for your vehicle, or a business owner looking to keep your fleet of vehicles looking great, D-TAIL LAB has the expertise and products to meet your needs. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service and support, and are always happy to provide expert advice and guidance to help you get the most out of our products.


  • Spray on a Microfiber applicator pad or a MF towel, then spread uniformly on the surface ideally of 60 cm x 60 cm at a time.
  • Using a clean microfiber towel, buff in a linear motion for a perfect finish.
