D-TAIL LAB HI-Con 系列 MAVERICK 优质多用途清洁剂

促销价格$19.95 CAD

体验 MAVERICK,D-TAIL LAB 全新的高度浓缩多用途清洁剂解决方案。修复所有内表面的理想清洁剂,还能够去除油脂和较重的污垢。主动发泡作用可清除车辆表面的污垢。

MAVERICK 配方是环保的,这意味着它使用对人类健康和环境安全的成分。您可以在车辆内部的所有地方使用它,包括塑料、皮革、织物、橡胶、地毯、不锈钢、合金、木质装饰以及车辆、飞机、房车、船只内外的几乎所有其他表面,甚至在家或办公室。

MAVERICK 是任何寻找清洁剂的人的绝佳选择,这种清洁剂可以真正清洁任何东西并留下无条纹的表面和非常令人愉悦的气味。


在喷雾瓶容器中按 1:50 稀释,作为普通污垢的标准清洁溶液。

将浓度加倍至 1:25 用于更脏的表面和更强的清洁力,用水稀释 1:10。





D-TAIL LAB 是纳米陶瓷保护产品的领先供应商,这些产品专门设计用于为车辆和其他表面提供持久保护。我们在生产这些产品方面的专业知识使我们成为业内值得信赖的品牌,并因我们对质量和创新的承诺而得到认可。

在 D-TAIL LAB,我们使用尖端技术和研究来开发我们的纳米陶瓷保护产品。我们的专家团队孜孜不倦地创造独特的配方,旨在保护表面免受恶劣环境因素的影响,例如紫外线、污垢和污染物。这可以让您的车辆保持更长时间的美观,同时也更易于清洁。


无论您是为您的车辆寻找最佳保护的汽车爱好者,还是希望让您的车队保持美观的企业主,D-TAIL LAB 都有满足您需求的专业知识和产品。我们致力于为我们的客户提供尽可能最好的服务和支持,并始终乐于提供专家建议和指导,以帮助您充分利用我们的产品。

总之,如果您正在寻找终极的纳米陶瓷保护产品,那么 D-TAIL LAB 就是您的不二之选。凭借我们对质量、创新和客户满意度的承诺,我们是业内值得信赖的品牌,也是任何希望让他们珍贵的财产更长久地保持美观的人的完美选择。

Size: 500 ml

We at


use cutting-edge technology and research to develop the best car care products possible. Our team of experts tirelessly creates unique formulas designed to clean, restore and protect surfaces from harsh environmental factors, such as UV rays, dirt, and pollutants. This allows your vehicle to stay looking great for longer while also making it easier to clean.

Our nano-ceramic protection products are easy to apply and provide a durable and long-lasting shield against everyday wear and tear. They are also completely safe for use on all types of surfaces, meaning you can rest easy knowing that your prized possessions are protected without the risk of any damage or discoloration.

Whether you are a car enthusiast looking for the best possible protection for your vehicle, or a business owner looking to keep your fleet of vehicles looking great, D-TAIL LAB has the expertise and products to meet your needs. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service and support, and are always happy to provide expert advice and guidance to help you get the most out of our products.


Dilution ratio:

  • Dilute 1:50 as a standard cleaning solution for light dirt
  • Double the concentration to 1:25 for average dirt
  • For more cleaning power, dilute 1:10 with water.

Note: The use of demineralized water is recommended but not mandatory

Direction of use:

Spray directly on the surfaces, agitate with a detailing brush, towel or scrub pad and wipe off.

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