D-TAIL LAB X-CON 黑色金属沉降抑制器

促销价格¥99.00 CNY

X-CON 尘垢清洁剂是一种油漆去污喷雾剂,可去除顽固的铁沉积物、工业尘垢和石灰沉积物,使油漆光滑有光泽。

使用说明:均匀喷洒在所有汽车面板上(眼镜除外),静置 2 至 5 分钟,然后冲洗干净。为了获得更好的效果,我们建议用 毒物 在开始净化过程之前。您也可以使用粘土毛巾直接在 X-CON 上清洁汽车,只需在毛巾上放一些肥皂,然后擦拭面板。这样,肥皂(碱)将清洁、润滑和中和 X-CON(酸性)。冲洗干净,瞧!

辐射抑制器 X-CON 是油漆去污剂,可去除顽固的铁沉积物、工业沉淀物和水垢,使油漆光滑有光泽。

手动的:均匀喷洒在汽车的所有面板上(窗户除外),静置2至5分钟,然后冲洗干净。为获得最佳效果,我们建议使用以下方法预洗汽车 毒物 或其他脱脂剂。另一个提示,使用去污湿巾直接在汽车上清洁汽车 X-CON,只需在抹布上加入肥皂并擦洗面板即可。这样(碱性)肥皂将清洁、润滑抹布并中和 X-CON (酸)同时完成去污过程。冲洗干净!

尺寸: 500 毫升,带喷雾器

We at


use cutting-edge technology and research to develop the best car care products possible. Our team of experts tirelessly creates unique formulas designed to clean, restore and protect surfaces from harsh environmental factors, such as UV rays, dirt, and pollutants. This allows your vehicle to stay looking great for longer while also making it easier to clean.

Our nano-ceramic protection products are easy to apply and provide a durable and long-lasting shield against everyday wear and tear. They are also completely safe for use on all types of surfaces, meaning you can rest easy knowing that your prized possessions are protected without the risk of any damage or discoloration.

Whether you are a car enthusiast looking for the best possible protection for your vehicle, or a business owner looking to keep your fleet of vehicles looking great, D-TAIL LAB has the expertise and products to meet your needs. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service and support, and are always happy to provide expert advice and guidance to help you get the most out of our products.


Proceed first by cleaning and drying the vehicle.

Spray XCON directly on the paint or a microfiber towel.

  • To remove water spots, gently rub the affected surfaces until dissolution
  • Repeat if required

To remove braket dust and industrial fallout:

  • Let XCON dwell for 3 minutes
  • Rinse using pressurized water


* This product contains a blend of acids, requiring the user to wear protective gloves and a mask.

** Should not be used on a hot surface or under the sun.

*** Clean the surfaces with a neutral soap or rinse less wash after the treatment to neutralize the chemical

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