
Browse our Polishing tool line including the DDA series, our Dual Gear Pro Rotary Polisher, and the best selling D-TAIL LAB Cordless nano Hybrid polisher.



7 件产品

DDA21 21mm Dual Action Polisher by D-TAIL LABNew Gen DDA21 Digital Dual-Action Polisher tool
促销价格¥1,799.00 CNY
D-TAIL LAB 迷你无绳混合抛光机D-TAIL LAB 迷你无绳混合抛光机
New Gen DDA15 Digital Dual-Action Polisher toolNew Gen DDA15 Digital Dual-Action Polisher tool
促销价格¥1,541.00 CNY
DDGR1 Backing plate for Rotary polisherDDGR1 Backing plate
促销价格¥78.00 CNY 起
DDA12 Dual Action Polisher Tool 12mmDDA12 Dual Action Polisher Tool
促销价格¥1,181.00 CNY
DDGR1 Dual Gear Pro Rotary PolisherDDGR1 Dual Gear Pro Rotary Polisher
促销价格¥1,387.00 CNY
DDA Polisher Backing PlateDDA
促销价格¥98.00 CNY 起